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install success but blank admin page

install success but blank admin page

I have just managed to get through the install process. 

So now when I go to the admin page, I'm getting a blank page. The sign in box doesn't appear, nothing appears. is my page

I'm not sure where it's gone wrong, maybe to do with database?


Sorry, beginner here. My last problem was solved, so hopefully this one can be!



Re: install success but blank admin page



Enable error logging  for php to see errors on the blank page so that we can navigate to the error.


For this open index.php and add 2 lines

}error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 1);umask(0);

There can be other issues too so you need to follow some steps like:


  1. Clear cache and give proper permission  to folders.
  2. Try running Re indexing.
  3. Run di:compile so that your code can compile.
    Also check is this issue generating on every browser because this can be generate due to browser cache.

     If you find this answer useful mark it as solution and kudos.Thanks

Re: install success but blank admin page

Hey, thanks for the reply.


I have tried on other browsers, same problem. 

I have entered that code in my index, but still not seeing anything, even an error message.

I have installed the sample date install.

will follow the digital start up tutorial on reindexing magento, not sure what this is!

Have given the folders perimission as was detailed in installation docs or tutorials i followed.

Have cleared cache and no difference also.

Re: install success but blank admin page

Hi @angryduckshop


Can you please check in var/log directory ? over there you will find logs file - kindly open it and post the error log for the same.


so its help us to troubleshoot the issue !

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: install success but blank admin page

Not having any success. My front end is sort of working. With problems. That's with the sample data of course.


But I can't access the back end, still getting a blank page instead of sign in box coming up.


Not really sure where to go from here.

Re: install success but blank admin page

I think this is what you mean...


[2018-10-30 13:43:56] main.ERROR: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/2/a/angryduckshop/www/index.php:1) in /home/2/a/angryduckshop/www/vendor/magento/framework/Stdlib/Cookie/PhpCookieManager.php on line 148 [] []


That's the latest in the system log

Re: install success but blank admin page

Hey @angryduckshop

go to this file and check are you using return in constructor if yes then you have to remove return from it because header information is already set and it can't modify so that's why it gives this error.

Hope this helps. Find your solution  give kudos and accept it as solution. thanks 

Re: install success but blank admin page

sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean @shubham_khandelwal1


Here is whats' in that file..


 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

namespace Magento\Framework\Stdlib\Cookie;

use Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\InputException;
use Magento\Framework\Stdlib\CookieManagerInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Phrase;
use Magento\Framework\HTTP\Header as HttpHeader;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * CookieManager helps manage the setting, retrieving and deleting of cookies.
 * To aid in security, the cookie manager will make it possible for the application to indicate if the cookie contains
 * sensitive data so that extra protection can be added to the contents of the cookie as well as how the browser
 * stores the cookie.
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
class PhpCookieManager implements CookieManagerInterface
     * Constants for Cookie manager.
     * RFC 2109 - Page 15
    const MAX_NUM_COOKIES = 50;
    const MAX_COOKIE_SIZE = 4096;
    const EXPIRE_NOW_TIME = 1;

     * Constant for metadata array key
    const KEY_EXPIRE_TIME = 'expiry';

    private $scope;

     * @var CookieReaderInterface
    private $reader;

     * Logger for warning details.
     * @var LoggerInterface
    private $logger;

     * Object that provides access to HTTP headers.
     * @var HttpHeader
    private $httpHeader;

     * @param CookieScopeInterface $scope
     * @param CookieReaderInterface $reader
     * @param LoggerInterface $logger
     * @param HttpHeader $httpHeader
    public function __construct(
        CookieScopeInterface $scope,
        CookieReaderInterface $reader,
        LoggerInterface $logger = null,
        HttpHeader $httpHeader = null
    ) {
        $this->scope = $scope;
        $this->reader = $reader;
        $this->logger = $logger ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(LoggerInterface::class);
        $this->httpHeader = $httpHeader ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(HttpHeader::class);

     * Set a value in a private cookie with the given $name $value pairing.
     * Sensitive cookies cannot be accessed by JS. HttpOnly will always be set to true for these cookies.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $value
     * @param SensitiveCookieMetadata $metadata
     * @return void
     * @throws FailureToSendException Cookie couldn't be sent to the browser.  If this exception isn't thrown,
     * there is still no guarantee that the browser received and accepted the cookie.
     * @throws CookieSizeLimitReachedException Thrown when the cookie is too big to store any additional data.
     * @throws InputException If the cookie name is empty or contains invalid characters.
    public function setSensitiveCookie($name, $value, SensitiveCookieMetadata $metadata = null)
        $metadataArray = $this->scope->getSensitiveCookieMetadata($metadata)->__toArray();
        $this->setCookie($name, $value, $metadataArray);

     * Set a value in a public cookie with the given $name $value pairing.
     * Public cookies can be accessed by JS. HttpOnly will be set to false by default for these cookies,
     * but can be changed to true.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $value
     * @param PublicCookieMetadata $metadata
     * @return void
     * @throws FailureToSendException If cookie couldn't be sent to the browser.
     * @throws CookieSizeLimitReachedException Thrown when the cookie is too big to store any additional data.
     * @throws InputException If the cookie name is empty or contains invalid characters.
    public function setPublicCookie($name, $value, PublicCookieMetadata $metadata = null)
        $metadataArray = $this->scope->getPublicCookieMetadata($metadata)->__toArray();
        $this->setCookie($name, $value, $metadataArray);

     * Set a value in a cookie with the given $name $value pairing.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $value
     * @param array $metadataArray
     * @return void
     * @throws FailureToSendException If cookie couldn't be sent to the browser.
     * @throws CookieSizeLimitReachedException Thrown when the cookie is too big to store any additional data.
     * @throws InputException If the cookie name is empty or contains invalid characters.
    protected function setCookie($name, $value, array $metadataArray)
        $expire = $this->computeExpirationTime($metadataArray);

        $this->checkAbilityToSendCookie($name, $value);

        $phpSetcookieSuccess = setcookie(
            $this->extractValue(CookieMetadata::KEY_PATH, $metadataArray, ''),
            $this->extractValue(CookieMetadata::KEY_DOMAIN, $metadataArray, ''),
            $this->extractValue(CookieMetadata::KEY_SECURE, $metadataArray, false),
            $this->extractValue(CookieMetadata::KEY_HTTP_ONLY, $metadataArray, false)

        if (!$phpSetcookieSuccess) {
            $params['name'] = $name;
            if ($value == '') {
                throw new FailureToSendException(
                    new Phrase('Unable to delete the cookie with cookieName = %name', $params)
            } else {
                throw new FailureToSendException(
                    new Phrase('Unable to send the cookie with cookieName = %name', $params)

     * Retrieve the size of a cookie.
     * The size of a cookie is determined by the length of 'name=value' portion of the cookie.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $value
     * @return int
    private function sizeOfCookie($name, $value)
        // The constant '1' is the length of the equal sign in 'name=value'.
        return strlen($name) + 1 + strlen($value);

     * Determines whether or not it is possible to send the cookie, based on the number of cookies that already
     * exist and the size of the cookie.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string|null $value
     * @return void if it is possible to send the cookie
     * @throws CookieSizeLimitReachedException Thrown when the cookie is too big to store any additional data.
     * @throws InputException If the cookie name is empty or contains invalid characters.
    private function checkAbilityToSendCookie($name, $value)
        if ($name == '' || preg_match("/[=,; \t\r\n\013\014]/", $name)) {
            throw new InputException(
                new Phrase(
                    'Cookie name cannot be empty and cannot contain these characters: =,; \\t\\r\\n\\013\\014'

        $numCookies = count($_COOKIE);

        if (!isset($_COOKIE[$name])) {

        $sizeOfCookie = $this->sizeOfCookie($name, $value);

        if ($numCookies > static::MAX_NUM_COOKIES) {
                new Phrase('Unable to send the cookie. Maximum number of cookies would be exceeded.'),
                array_merge($_COOKIE, ['user-agent' => $this->httpHeader->getHttpUserAgent()])

        if ($sizeOfCookie > static::MAX_COOKIE_SIZE) {
            throw new CookieSizeLimitReachedException(
                new Phrase(
                    'Unable to send the cookie. Size of \'%name\' is %size bytes.',
                        'name' => $name,
                        'size' => $sizeOfCookie,

     * Determines the expiration time of a cookie.
     * @param array $metadataArray
     * @return int in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    private function computeExpirationTime(array $metadataArray)
        if (isset($metadataArray[PhpCookieManager::KEY_EXPIRE_TIME])
            && $metadataArray[PhpCookieManager::KEY_EXPIRE_TIME] < time()
        ) {
            $expireTime = $metadataArray[PhpCookieManager::KEY_EXPIRE_TIME];
        } else {
            if (isset($metadataArray[CookieMetadata::KEY_DURATION])
                && $metadataArray[CookieMetadata::KEY_DURATION] !== PhpCookieManager::EXPIRE_AT_END_OF_SESSION_TIME
            ) {
                $expireTime = $metadataArray[CookieMetadata::KEY_DURATION] + time();
            } else {
                $expireTime = PhpCookieManager::EXPIRE_AT_END_OF_SESSION_TIME;

        return $expireTime;

     * Determines the value to be used as a $parameter.
     * If $metadataArray[$parameter] is not set, returns the $defaultValue.
     * @param string $parameter
     * @param array $metadataArray
     * @param string|boolean|int|null $defaultValue
     * @return string|boolean|int|null
    private function extractValue($parameter, array $metadataArray, $defaultValue)
        if (array_key_exists($parameter, $metadataArray)) {
            return $metadataArray[$parameter];
        } else {
            return $defaultValue;

     * Retrieve a value from a cookie.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string|null $default The default value to return if no value could be found for the given $name.
     * @return string|null
    public function getCookie($name, $default = null)
        return $this->reader->getCookie($name, $default);

     * Deletes a cookie with the given name.
     * @param string $name
     * @param CookieMetadata $metadata
     * @return void
     * @throws FailureToSendException If cookie couldn't be sent to the browser.
     *     If this exception isn't thrown, there is still no guarantee that the browser
     *     received and accepted the request to delete this cookie.
     * @throws InputException If the cookie name is empty or contains invalid characters.
    public function deleteCookie($name, CookieMetadata $metadata = null)
        $metadataArray = $this->scope->getCookieMetadata($metadata)->__toArray();

        // explicitly set an expiration time in the metadataArray.
        $metadataArray[PhpCookieManager::KEY_EXPIRE_TIME] = PhpCookieManager::EXPIRE_NOW_TIME;

        $this->checkAbilityToSendCookie($name, '');

        // cookie value set to empty string to delete from the remote client
        $this->setCookie($name, '', $metadataArray);

        // Remove the cookie

Re: install success but blank admin page

Refer the steps at Solved: Magento 2.2.7 and 2.3 Admin Page Blank Issue for the solution.


Hope it helps Smiley Happy

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