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ip address not updating

ip address not updating

I had Magento 2 running on a Virtual Machine on my desktop. I converted the VM to be used on a my VM server and now has a new IP address. When I go to the new IP address, it redirects to the old one.

I have updated the values in the database to the new IP address. I have reset the VM several times, bounced the HTML server, run the CLI commands to clear the magento cache. (Received a lot of errors.) Waited for over 24 hours.


How do I force Magento to actually read the values from the database and redirect to the correct base URL and not to the old site?





Re: ip address not updating

Hi @tlvranas,

I guess there is a geoip configured in your Magento instance. You can disable the Geo IP redirection by running the following MySQL query:

update core_config_data set value = '0' where path LIKE '%geoip/config/enabled';


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Re: ip address not updating

I checked my database and I don't have an entry in there for that so the update would not work. I was able to get past that problem. I changed my env.php file with an invalid password. Then I received a different error, as expected. When I changed it back, the site will point to the correct IP address, however, only the site logo appears and no page content.


After playing with that for a while, I have given up. For what I am looking for, this has taken too much time.


Thanks for your help.