As per your last comment. you are adding secure and unsecure URL, also you're passing use-secure=1 then it's definitely picking https.
Pass http:// URL in secure URL as well along.
try below :
--base-url= --use-secure=1 --base-url-secure= --use-secure-admin=1
php bin/magento cache:flush
New Magento reinstall will have same thing, this configuration.
try this again
No, the command "--base-url-secure" requires necessarly https...
I did do a lots of things by myself so I don't know what was the issue...
It was not the installation of the ssl certificate, the checker was ok:
I Reviewed my config files ssl.conf, vhost.conf, *.conf in the sites-availables directory,...
an *AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode* problem?
a redirection problem?... :
Must we install with http and go in the configuration of magento to configure the https? ...
I don't know what I did but now it works, sorry that nobody could help me and sorry I can't help anybody more precisely...
hello, as I did have some other issues I was forced to reinstall all my machine with an ubuntu 20.04. OS
I was confronted to the same issue again but now I have the solution :
In your virtual host config file in "/etc/apache2/sites-available/" you must add the code for your ssl, but most of the tutorials don't say you must copy too :
<Directory {path_to_public_html}>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
in the <VirtualHost {my_ip}:443> section...
But if you had installed magento before configuring your ssl connection it will not work ! it 's a sort of bug in magento but I think they will not admit it... no solutions on the forums... you must uninstall magento, remove all the files in your web root directory and create a new composer project and reinstall magento with the https options in the command.
Then it will works but be carefull, there is a lot's of bugs they don't have resolved... if you go in "stores" , "configuration", "web", "base URLs (secure)" , don't change anything to "Secure Base URL for Static View Files" or "Secure Base URL for User Media Files" or "Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)" because I don't know which of the three but all will break down with no jss and css in frontend and backend ... a one more bug I think...
I hope my experience will help.
Hello @cedriclere7b59
Follow the following steps to solve this problem
First of all, apply proper permissions, enable apache "rewrite_module" and refresh apache server.
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/MAGENTO_2_ROOT_DIRECTORY/ sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo service apache2 restart
For messy frontend, run following command from Magento root:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Now clear "var" directory except ".htaccess" file and check admin. If you get 404 page, there may be an issue of "Symlink". Fot this, Edit "apache config" file
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
and replace this code :
<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride none Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted
Note: changed "AllowOverride none" to "AllowOverride All"
Now restart apache "sudo service apache2 restart" and check admin. This should fix admin 404 issue.
Also make sure, you don't leave "/app/etc/" directory writeable
Hope this helps you!
Problem Solved! Click Kudos & Accept as Solution!
Hello @cedriclere7b59
Make sure you enabled server rewrites please refer to the following link for details :
Hope this helps you!
Problem Solved! Click Kudos & Accept as Solution!
Hello @cedriclere7b59 ,
If nothing helped you then please try the following solutions one by one to solve the issue
1. Flush and Clear Magento Cache by Command line or removing folders manually.
Or you can manually delete the cache and generate a folder inside a var folder from Cpanel.
2. Enable Rewrite mode,
Configure apache.
For Ubuntu / Debian edit the file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. To edit this file run command
Modify from:
Then restart apache
4. Check the admin URL from the env.php file.
Go to app/etc/env.php open that file
And look for the admin URL, code must be like below
You can see/change admin URL from @app/etc/env.php
"admin_q76xvk" this is the admin url in this case Make sure you are typing the correct admin URL.
5. For local environment sometimes URL issue like
During Setup you can replace the URL i.e., http://localhost/ with
6. Try these steps
Delete var/cache folder
Go to database SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path = 'web/seo/use_rewrites' and make it 0
Then enter URL in your browser
You don’t have to perform all of the solutions described in this list, but instead, try one by one and see what works for your store. And when you find the right solution for your store
It seems like there may be an issue with your Apache configuration or Magento virtual hosts. Make sure your document root is correctly pointing to the Magento installation directory. You could also check if the .htaccess file exists and is configured properly. If you're still facing issues, you can check out more details about bio ideas like the bio for cricket lover, which may offer some useful suggestions while setting up your platform.