Hello All, I am looking for some help. I am using I have an extension that allowed me to create a custom customer attribute (AmarProfile is the extension) and created the attribute "salesperson" to track which rep a customer is serviced by. It is a drop down field.
I would now like to have a mass action in the customer grid that would allow me to select multiple customers and change thier sales rep from say "Eric W" to "Chris H" in case Eric W leaves the company and Chris H takes over.
How can I do this? Is there an extension for this? I have found the following tutorial, but I am not a programmer/coder by trade so I am not sure I understand all of what's going on. What files exactly do I need to edit? In section 1.2 how do I know my path to the "mass operation" and how do I even know if I have one already to do this? http://www.blog.magepsycho.com/adding-new-mass-action-to-admin-grid-in-magento/
Please be gentle, and if possible explain it to me like you would a 5 year old! Thanks!
I would use standard Magento Customer import functionality to update existing customers.
See here: http://merch.docs.magento.com/ce/user_guide/store-operations/data-transfer-manage.html
You need two columns in the import file: email and salesperson.
It is not very user friendly, but still an option if you do not want to pay for additional development.
Just saw this. Thank you