Hello have had three recent transactions where they have appeared as suspected fraud in our backend. This is because the buyer uses a discount code and the amount if applie don Magento but is not carried through to PayPal. PayPal takes the full amount without applying discount code and this difference causes the suspected fraud flag.
I have manually changed the status of suspected fraud to processing in the database and have been able to complete the order normally. However this is not a good way to do it. Any ideas why the discount amount is not being carried over to PayPal? The discountec amount works fine through SagePay.
Thank You
Are you using a custom paypal integration or the built in Magento one?
What version of Magento are you using?
Hi I am using 1.9.1 and I believe it is the standard feature.
The title reads: paupal all in one payment solutions.
I have noticed if I refresh cahce and index followed by cache flush it starts to work and forward the discount. After some time it'll revert to not working.
Still having this issue, any advice would be much appreciated. Thank You.