It looks like it here...
I have been told by umpteen Magento devs that M1 to M2 costs about 5 digits for my simple M1.8 shop. If this is anywhere near true, a lot of people are spending a lot of money and a lot of the thousands of Magento devs found on the internet must be rich
I have some M1.8 questions but I feel that if I post them here, nobody will reply
Specifically I am looking for where one imports and exports the CSV file for the matrixrates plug-in.
The matrixrates wiki is dead I have a good linux guy who found import/export functions in the source code but surely nobody is actually doing that?? I would be grateful for any help. I am stuck because the people who looked after the shop have both left and not done any documentation. I am sure it is deep in the GUI but we can't find it.
Thank you all for any help.
It's been almost a decade since M2 came out, mate, you need to upgrade.
Feel free to send over the requirements you have and we can give you a realistic quote.
Hi @joebloggs09569
For cost effective and high quality magento upgradation. Lets connect here: We do this migration from M1 to M2 in magento standard. Yes you must upgrade latest magento2.
Best regards
I am not likely to give work to somebody calling me "mate"
And what is "upgradation"? Yes I can see somebody writing like that is going to pay a great deal of attention to detail.
If you don't wanna go with a "mate" guy feel free to go with an "upgradation" guy
We have now discovered the two buttons, import and export. They were disabled in app/code/community/Webshopapps/Matrixrate/etc/system.xml. Why, no idea! But they do not work anyway. Well the Export one doesn't; the Import one we won't try just yet because of the potential for breaking the system.
It seems like many businesses are migrating from M1 to M2, especially considering the higher performance and features of Magento 2. However, the transition costs can be significant, as you’ve heard, with some estimates running into five figures. If you’re still using Magento 1.8, you may want to explore alternatives or consider upgrading, but keep in mind that it can be a costly and time-consuming process.
For something simpler and possibly more cost-effective, you could explore the loklok app as an alternative for managing your e-commerce or other online needs.