Hello, I have enabled memcached in the server and I want to use with Magento 1.
I have put this code before the </global>, it´s correct?
<session_save><![CDATA[]]></session_save> <!-- db / memcache / empty=files -->
<session_save_path><![CDATA[]]></session_save_path><!-- e.g. for memcache session save handler tcp:// -->
<session_cache_limiter><![CDATA[]]></session_cache_limiter><!-- see http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-cache-limiter.php#82174 for possible values -->
<backend></backend><!-- apc / memcached / xcache / empty=file -->
<connection></connection> <!-- Custom connection for db backend -->
<enable_two_levels>true</enable_two_levels> <!-- Enable two level cache -->
<slow_backend></slow_backend> <!-- database / file (default) - used for 2 levels cache setup, necessary for all shared memory storages -->
<slow_backend_store_data></slow_backend_store_data> <!-- 1 / 0 (default) - used for 2 levels cache setup, sets whether store data in db slow cache backend -->
<auto_refresh_fast_cache></auto_refresh_fast_cache> <!-- 1 / 0 (default) - used for 2 levels cache setup, sets whether refresh data in fast cache backend -->
<memcached><!-- memcached cache backend related config -->
<servers><!-- any number of server nodes can be included -->
But I have some problems, first, we have problems in the backend that sometimes the last orders are not shown, or I press in a product and I go to other...
And in the frontend sometimes I am logged and in other parts of the web no, or the cart is empty or with a product...