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Multiple stores on single domain on Magento Configuration issues

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Multiple stores on single domain on Magento Configuration issues


I am trying to install multi stores on my domain.

My Magento installation is

My magento installation is in This works fine.

I want to install another store as a folder as in :

For the newstore, the root category, the new store and store name,  store view and store code are all set.

Currently I have not added any items to the root category.

In the Admin control panel

Under System - Configuration - Current configuration scope - Default config - Web - Add store codes to URLs is selected as yes

Under System - configuration - Current configuration scope is selected as newstore - English

Under Configuration - Web

The Unsecure and Secure Base URL fields do not allow me to make any new entry. (Use website is unchecked)

What should the entries here be ?

  • Should they reflect my original installation at


  • Should they reflect my newstore installation at

The index.php and .htaccess files have been copied from my original installation to


These also need to be suitably modified. Please advise


Can somebody please shed some light on how to make this whole thing work ?


Re: Multiple stores on single domain on Magento Configuration issues

Hi @ApsG


Please set these configuration in newstore index.php

Find the lines

$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . 'includes/config.php';


$mageFilename = MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/Mage.replacewith

replace with

$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/../includes/config.php';


$mageFilename = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/../app/Mage.php';

because the new store use your root installation files.


For admin configuration Please follow the link

Let me know if it helps. You can raise a KUDOS if its really worth for you. Also if it solves your problem then please mark as SOLUTION.

Re: Multiple stores on single domain on Magento Configuration issues



Thank you for your post !


Tried exactly as you said  but does not work. I suspect it is some configuration issue either the the index.php or the .htaccess file or both. I feel that every iteration of Magento from 1.4 to 1.9 implements this in a somewhat different manner. May be I am just missing something....


While searching for a solution, I have not come across a single instance or example  where somebody has actually implemented this on


If you do think of something please do post.