I am trying to install multi stores on my domain.
My Magento installation is
My magento installation is in mydomain.com/store. This works fine.
I want to install another store as a folder as in : mydomain.com/store/newstore/
For the newstore, the root category, the new store and store name, store view and store code are all set.
Currently I have not added any items to the root category.
In the Admin control panel
Under System - Configuration - Current configuration scope - Default config - Web - Add store codes to URLs is selected as yes
Under System - configuration - Current configuration scope is selected as newstore - English
Under Configuration - Web
The Unsecure and Secure Base URL fields do not allow me to make any new entry. (Use website is unchecked)
What should the entries here be ?
The index.php and .htaccess files have been copied from my original installation mydomain.com/store to mydomain.com/store/newstore/.
These also need to be suitably modified. Please advise
Can somebody please shed some light on how to make this whole thing work ?
Hi @ApsG
Please set these configuration in newstore index.php
Find the lines
$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . 'includes/config.php'; and $mageFilename = MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/Mage.replacewith
replace with
$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/../includes/config.php'; ///and $mageFilename = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/../app/Mage.php';
because the new store use your root installation files.
For admin configuration Please follow the link
Thank you for your post !
Tried exactly as you said but does not work. I suspect it is some configuration issue either the the index.php or the .htaccess file or both. I feel that every iteration of Magento from 1.4 to 1.9 implements this in a somewhat different manner. May be I am just missing something....
While searching for a solution, I have not come across a single instance or example where somebody has actually implemented this on
If you do think of something please do post.