Billing Information section form and Shipping Information section form in Magento Checkout contain the telephone field. I want to remove the telephone field only from Billing Information section.
To remove the telephone field in checkout, I can remove the validation classes from thre form(billing.phtml). Comment the lines
if (!Zend_Validate::is($this->getCompany(), 'NotEmpty')) {
$this->addError(Mage::helper('customer')->__('Please enter the Landmark.'));
from abstract.php file. And set is_required to 0 in eav_attribute table for telephone.
But this affect both Billing section and Shipping section. After the changes mentioned above the telephone field become optional in both billing.phtml and shipping.phtml pages.
How can I remove(or make optional ) the telephone field only in Billing page. In shipping Information section I need the telephone field as mandatory as default.
thank you.