in our Magento Shop we can't edit or add users. If we try to edit or add an user, we just get a page without input forms and in the console is the following error:
ReferenceError: api2_roles_sectionJsObject is not defined
getActiveRestRole http://magento.p431353.webspaceconfig.de/index.php/admin/permissions_user/new/:817:5
<anonym> http://magento.p431353.webspaceconfig.de/index.php/admin/permissions_user/new/:812:22
Anybody an idea, how we can fix this?
We use Magento
Hi @TimoBraun,
It seems the javascript error is blocking the interface.
Are you using a custom adminhtml theme or maybe you are merging and minifying your css/js files?
no we are not using a custom adminhtml and no merged or minifyed css/js files
Our Server crashed a few month ago and we just found a 6 month old backup. Since we are using this Backup we got that problem.