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100% usage of CPU in first 20 minutes every hour - Magento CE 1.9

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100% usage of CPU in first 20 minutes every hour - Magento CE 1.9



I am running Magento on Google Cloud Platform. I am experiencing a problem of low time loading on navigating on website.

Investigating on server profile, I've seen every 20-25 first minutes of every hour, CPU usage goes to 99/100%. I attach a screen here under.

Settings are with 1 CPU and 5,5 GB ram.


Schermata 2019-03-27 alle 10.40.28.png

Some one has an idea of what should be checked?

Thank you

Igor Pizzinato




Re: 100% usage of CPU in first 20 minutes every hour - Magento CE 1.9

First, I would check crontasks & reindexation manually with magerun.
And try to find issues like slow iops / mysql strange requests...

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Re: 100% usage of CPU in first 20 minutes every hour - Magento CE 1.9

Hi neuro,


thank you so much for your answer.


Anyone to suggest that could check this things for me? I am not programmer

Re: 100% usage of CPU in first 20 minutes every hour - Magento CE 1.9

The person who has developed / installed your site should be able to do it.
Magerun is easy to use & install :
U can monitoring in realtime with htop & mytop when u try to reindex.

n98-magerun.phar index:reindex:all
n98-magerun.phar sys:cron:history
n98-magerun.phar sys:cron:list
n98-magerun.phar sys:cron:run [--schedule] [job]


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