I cant think of a solution for the following problem I'm struggling with.
I have 2 groups/types of simple products, lets call them group A and the other group B.
Users are choosing a product from group A and then add optional product(s) from group B.
So product A should be some kind of a base product, with a price. And products choosen from group B also with a price should be linked to group A, so you get a combined product group.
I don't want to show products from group B as option on the product page of group A.
The customer needs to go to the product page of group B (from the category page) and add this product to a group A product witch is already in a 'temperary' cart/session (maybe trough a dropdown box where they can choose the right group A to add the product to).
If I don't explain enough please let me know.
I'm looking for idea's how I can make this work, so any pointing in right directions would be great (of course also programmatic solutions).