Hi all and previously sorry for may english.
I'm trying to create a product in magento using c# and SOAP V2 Api.
I create with success the product bua when i set an addictional attribute, in Magento the fields is empty.
I have search more post without results.
My code is:
MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
var mlogin = mservice.login("teamsystem", "T3amsystem");
filters myfilter = new filters();
catalogProductCreateEntity newproduct = new catalogProductCreateEntity();
newproduct.name = textBox4.Text ;
newproduct.description = textBox4.Text ;
newproduct.status = "1";
newproduct.short_description = textBox5.Text;
newproduct.price = "10,00";
newproduct.tax_class_id = "2";
newproduct.weight = "10";
associativeEntity[] AdditionalAttributes = new associativeEntity[1];
associativeEntity AdditionalAttribute = new associativeEntity();
AdditionalAttribute.key = "divano";
AdditionalAttribute.value = "prova1";
AdditionalAttributes[0] = AdditionalAttribute;
catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity AdditionalAttributesEntity = new catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity();
AdditionalAttributesEntity.single_data = AdditionalAttributes;
newproduct.additional_attributes = AdditionalAttributesEntity;
mservice.catalogProductCreate(mlogin,"simple","9",textBox3.Text ,newproduct,"");
My Magento version is:
Thank's to all