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Adding extra fields in catalog product list in SOAP API magento

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Adding extra fields in catalog product list in SOAP API magento

I need to add extra fields such as description,weight,pirce,Special pirce How to add these fields in the

Here is my api.php

public function items($filters = null, $store = null)
    $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()

/** @var $apiHelper Mage_Api_Helper_Data */
$apiHelper = Mage::helper('api');
$filters = $apiHelper->parseFilters($filters, $this->_filtersMap);
try {
    foreach ($filters as $field => $value) {
        $collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value);
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
    $this->_fault('filters_invalid', $e->getMessage());
$result = array();
foreach ($collection as $product) {
    $result[] = array(
        'product_id' => $product->getId(),
        'sku'        => $product->getSku(),
        'name'       => $product->getName(),
        'set'        => $product->getAttributeSetId(),
        'type'       => $product->getTypeId(),
        'category_ids' => $product->getCategoryIds(),
        'website_ids'  => $product->getWebsiteIds(),
        'description' => $product->getDescription(),
        'weight'    => $product->getWeight(),

    return $result;


But the description and weight are not in the result,so what i am missing here


Re: Adding extra fields in catalog product list in SOAP API magento

Hi Durai how are you?,


The easy way to include extra filed to you code and when $product is loaded the Data be there is:

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()


As weight and description are attributes of the product, that information is not included on the query executed to get all the products ( see Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract  - > function load() ).


When you iterate a $collection load of the entity is called on the fly.


I'm not sure where you are including that api.php file if you are calling again or in placed on a custom module.




Re: Adding extra fields in catalog product list in SOAP API magento

Hi Ale,

  I am fine. How about you, thanks for the reply , i have placed my api.php as custom module


so what should i have to do to include these attributes


here is what i have added



public function items($filters = null, $store = null)
    $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()
->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'weight', 'price','description','thumb'));

    /** @var $apiHelper Mage_Api_Helper_Data */
    $apiHelper = Mage::helper('api');
    $filters = $apiHelper->parseFilters($filters, $this->_filtersMap);
    try {
        foreach ($filters as $field => $value) {
            $collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value);
    } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
        $this->_fault('filters_invalid', $e->getMessage());
    $result = array();
    foreach ($collection as $product) {
        $result[] = array(
            'product_id' => $product->getId(),
            'sku'        => $product->getSku(),
            'name'       => $product->getName(),
            'set'        => $product->getAttributeSetId(),
            'type'       => $product->getTypeId(),
            'category_ids' => $product->getCategoryIds(),
            'website_ids'  => $product->getWebsiteIds(),

         'description'   => $product->getDescription(),
              'weight'      => $product->getWeight(),

                 'pirce'        => Mage::helper('core')->currency($product->getPrice(), true, false), //." ".$currencyCode,
                'thumb'        => (string)Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init($product, 'thumbnail'),

   return $result;


but still i am not getting desired output

Re: Adding extra fields in catalog product list in SOAP API magento

Hi Durai sorry for my delay, but I didn't notify about you answer! I tested on my end and works fine, I'm not sure how and where you are using the api.php.


I'll check again with all that info you are adding.




Re: Adding extra fields in catalog product list in SOAP API magento



I just testede you code on my end and I got the information from the product.


see image As you can see using exactly you code I have the correct information.


