My module is working on a fresh install of Magento CE 1.9 but not on my existing EE website. Here is the module on GIT.
Using the configuration below, I am able to modify my collection, but it only applies to the results on the current pagination page. So, if I am on page one and I have a product starting with the letter A and modify the collection with ->addAttributeToFilter("name",["like"=>"a%"]) I see only the products that start with the letter a for the current page. If I am on page one and modify the collection with ->addAttributeToFilter("name",["like"=>"m%"]) I do not see products beginning with the letter M, I get Magento's "no products found" message. If I go to the pagination page that contains products with the letter M and use ->addAttributeToFilter("name",["like"=>"m%"]) I see only products starting with M that were on the current page.
How do I filter by letter prior to pagination and any other filters being applied?
public function applyFilter($observer)
if ($alphaFilter = Mage::getModel('etre_alphapagination/parametersactions')->currentAlphaFilter()) {
$event = $observer->getEvent();
$collection = Mage::getModel('etre_alphapagination/parametersactions')->applyFilter($event->getCollection(), $alphaFilter, "name");
return $this;
Mage::getModel('etre_alphapagination/parametersactions')->applyFilter($event->getCollection(), $alphaFilter, "name") refers to:
public function applyFilter($collection, $query = "", $attribute = 'name') //let's provide the option to filter the collection by whichever attribute desired
try {
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('name', array('like' => $query . '%'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $collection;
If I execute the code below, I get zero results on my filter.
public function getLoadedProductCollection()
return $this->_getProductCollection();
If I execute the code bellow from anywhere within $this->_getProductCollection() I see my expected results.