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Best way to retrieve bestellers?

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Best way to retrieve bestellers?

Hi guys I am currently in magento using the following code to obtain bestselling products, but I don't think it is the optimal way. How could I improve the code ? 


class Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Bestseller extends Mage_Core_Block_Template{
public function getBestsellerProducts()
        $storeId = (int) Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
        // Date
        $date = new Zend_Date();
        $toDate = $date->setDay(1)->getDate()->get('Y-MM-dd');
        $fromDate = $date->subMonth(1)->getDate()->get('Y-MM-dd');
		//var_dump("to date is: ".$toDate.". From date is: ".$fromDate); die;
        $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
                array('aggregation' => $collection->getResource()->getTable('sales/bestsellers_aggregated_monthly')),
                "e.entity_id = aggregation.product_id AND aggregation.store_id={$storeId} AND aggregation.period BETWEEN '{$fromDate}' AND '{$toDate}'",
                array('SUM(aggregation.qty_ordered) AS sold_quantity')
            ->order(array('sold_quantity DESC', 'e.created_at'));
        return $collection;