I need to find a way to create a non-configurable Bundle Product.
ie: a Product with its own SKU that consists of two existing Simple products
I don't want them to be able to customise or change the contents of the bundle in any way.
How can I do this?
I think I've managed it by creating a bundle product with a separate radio button options for each constituent product, with each option have a single selection (the product) set as default. Then I've switched off user-defined quantity.
However, I would like to hide all references to the individual items (and their prices) on the product page, the basket, the shipping note, and invoice. I just want to show the main bundle product information. How do I do that?
I think you need to switch off visibility to each simple product and let visibility for store and research only for the bundled one.
It's not a perfect solution, but what I have done is set each included product as its own radio button that is required and seected by default, then use some CSS at the end of the product description to hide elements you don't want to show up. For example, one product where I use this technique is showing the thumbnails and names of the included products but gives no form elements, etc. This is not with the default theme, so class names might not be standard. Your theme may be different, and you'll need to specify different .classes depending on what you want to show and hide anyway.
<style> .product-options dd .qty-holder { display: none; } .change-container-classname { display: none; } .price-notice { display: none; } .required { display: none; } ul.options-list input.radio { display: none; } </style>
It's not a perfect solution, but it is effective - especially if the product is configured so that nothing can be changed anyway if a user bypasses the CSS to access the form elements.
@inoxcommerceThat's clever. Didn't think of that. I'll give it a go and let you know if it works.
It does raise the question "what happens if I want to include a product in the bundle that needs to be available to buy singularly?"