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Category fatal error

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Category fatal error


Under dietary-ingredients-and-supplements  category I have 70,000 product .


php.ini file 


memory_limit = 536870912000000000
post_max_size = 53687091200000000
max_execution_time = 72000000000


But same error


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 3221225472 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 86 bytes) in /home/dietaryglobal/public_html/lib/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php on line 290


Also I disabled all my module but same error comes.


Please help how to handle this category.




Re: Category fatal error



I don't think memory increasing the best solution for this situation please help me if you have any other solution.



Re: Category fatal error




I found a solution today .


System -> Configuration -> catalog -> Use Flat Catalog Product   make to yes


and Reindexing.... 


But I have more than 100000 product in a category its loading more than 20 s so need to reduce the time but how any body help me please...



Re: Category fatal error

you must have custom template / custom block used in that page and not loading products properly,  you need to have a developer to optimize it.