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Category of Products with Observer condition Error?

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Category of Products with Observer condition Error?

Condition: I have restricted category of products [category id = 680, 894, 895], this category of products should be purchase alone, not mixed with other products.


Workout: Case 1: If cart had other products, if the customer tries to add restricted category products trigger observer like not eligible to add to cart and display a message like If you want this product, Purchase alone not mixed with other Products


case 2: If cart had a restricted category of products if customer try to add non-restricted products trigger observer like not eligible to add to cart and display a message like Cart has Special Product you can not add another

code :





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    Mage::log('fine dude', null, 'logfile.log');
    //create class
    class Gta_KolupadiRestrict_Model_Observer

        //create function
        public function cartevent(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
            $category_id = array(680, 894, 895) ; //category ids

            $category_products  = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
                                        ->setWebsiteId(2);           // load website id
                                        ->load($category_id);        // load category 

            // check cart qty status                            
            $cart_qty = (int) Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getItemQty();  

            if($category_products && $cart_qty > 0  )
                Mage::throwException("If you want Kolu Padi, Purchase alone not mixed with other Products");    

             //check if cart have products 
             $quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
             foreach($quote->getAllItems() as $item)
                $productId  = $item->getCategoryId();

                if($productId == $category_id)
                    Mage::throwException("Cart has Special Product you can not add another");

Observer not trigger. Does anyone help me?