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Check In template.phtml check if Newsletter Enabled ?

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Check In template.phtml check if Newsletter Enabled ?

i tried wit this code

if ($this->isNewsletterEnabled()):

echo 'Yes newsletter enable';


 Looking for other solution if exist somthing like Mage::getStoreConfig .....


Re: Check In template.phtml check if Newsletter Enabled ?

Hi @dinbogdan 


The method isNewsletterEnabled, doesn't exists in all blocks, only in two as far as I can see doing a quick search of the core:


  • Mage_Customer_Block_Form_Register
  • Mage_Customer_Block_Account_Dashboard_Info

Meaning that you can't just call it from any template file, either you can extend your block from these, or you can use the following code to replicate it: 





Hope this helps :-)