Hi guys,
So I have created a configurable product with 3 options (color, size, location) The issue for which I am looking for a solution is when a user selects (blue, large, america) and then decides to change the second or third option (large or america) the other options are grayed out. Seems like once configurable option 1 and option 2 are selected the only way to be able to choose a new option 2 or 3 is buy refreshing the product page. Is there a way around this such as some code I could add or maybe create a button to refresh the configurable options so that a customer is not required to refresh the product page.
Thank you!
Hi @micha3y,
More than a week has passed since you created this post.
Were you able to find a solution?
Best regards,
No, I haven't gotten a solution. I am trying desperately to find something... have any ideas?