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Customer Group - apply customer group for unauthenticated user

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Customer Group - apply customer group for unauthenticated user

I have set up 5 customer groups for pricing. The group table looks a bit like :-


Group ID | Group Name
1 | Northern Ireland
2 | Dublin
3 | Rest of Ireland
4 | Great Britain Zone 1
5 | Great Britain Zone 2


Each Customer that registers is placed into one of these groups depending on the County/State in their address.


Our products are priced depending on the delivery location so our product pricing would be a bit like:


Product 1
Group ID | Price
1 | £1.99
2 | £2.99
3 | £3.99
4 | £4.99
5 | £5.99


This all works fine for logged in users as they have already been placed into a group so they will be displayed the correct price for their location.


I want to give an unauthenticated user the option of choosing their state from a dropdown list, I can then pass a variable through to select the correct group pricing.


I have been going through the various files trying to find the location to place the code and am looking at app/code/core/Mage/Bundle/Model/Product/Price.php


There is an if statement here that I think may be the correct block to edit.


if (!$gId) {

$gId = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerGroupId();

} else if ($gId instanceof Mage_Customer_Model_Group) {

$gId = $gId->getId();



Could anyone confirm this? I would be looking at adding another else if:


if (!$gId) {

$gId = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerGroupId();

} else if ($gId instanceof Mage_Customer_Model_Group) {

$gId = $gId->getId();

} else if **Session Variable Exists** {

$gId = Session Variable;

Thanks for your help, Liam