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Deactivate Invoice as Guest User | own module

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Deactivate Invoice as Guest User | own module

Dear Community


I do have a question about a small extension which I wrote. Would be great if anybody could tell me what I was doing wrong, that the Invoice Option still is displayed also when I'm using the checkout as guest.




<?xml version="1.0"?>




I<?xml version="1.0"?>





class Shiftmint_Disable_GuestInvoice_Model_Observer
    public function paymentMethodIsActive($observer)
        $instance = $observer->getMethodInstance();
        $result = $observer->getResult();

        if ($instance->getCode() == "IsrInvoice") {
            if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
                $result->isAvailable = false;
            } else {
                $result->isAvailable = true;

Many thanks in advance!





Re: Deactivate Invoice as Guest User | own module

Just guessing.. you didn't save the result, nor set new result object (after data modification) into your observer? Try right after:

$result->isAvailable = false;


$result->isAvailable = true;

save your result modifications:


and finally reset your observer's result object:



Re: Deactivate Invoice as Guest User | own module

hmm.. did not change anything.

thx, anyway.

Re: Deactivate Invoice as Guest User | own module

Dear @shiftmint,

In function paymentMethodIsActive($observer), please try edit: "$result = $observer->getResult();" to $result = $observer->getEvent()->getResult(); -
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