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Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

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Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

I am learning Magento module development. I am trying to develop a custom module for Magento Admin panel. I would like to display grid. My codes are as follows


Location : app/etc/modules




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Location : app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/Block/Adminhtml




class Digitab_Brandlogo_Block_Adminhtml_Brandlogo extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container
        public function __construct()
           $this->_controller = 'adminhtml_brandlogo';
           $this->_blockGroup = 'brandlogo';
           $this->_headerText = Mage::helper('brandlogo')->__('Brand Logo Manager');
           $this->_addButtonLabel = Mage::helper('brandlogo')->__('Add Brand');

       protected function _prepareLayout()
         $this->setChild('grid',$this->getLayout()->createBlock( $this->_blockGroup.'/' . $this->_controller . '_grid', $this->_controller . '.grid')->setSaveParametersInSession(true) );
        return parent::_prepareLayout();


Location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/Block/Adminhtml/Brandlogo/Grid.php



class Digitab_Brandlogo_Block_Adminhtml_Brandlogo_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
      public function __construct()

       protected function _prepareCollection()
           $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('digitab_brandlogo/brandlogo_collection'); 
           return parent::_prepareCollection();

       public function getRowUrl($row)
             return $this->getUrl('digitab_brandlogo_admin/brandlogo/edit',array('id' => $row->getId()));

    protected function _prepareColumns()
        $this->addColumn('brand_id', array(
            'header' => $this->_getHelper()->__('brand_id'),
            'type' => 'number',
            'index' => 'brand_id',

                'header'=> $this->__('brand_name'),
                'index' => 'brand_name'

        return parent::_prepareColumns();

    protected function _getHelper()
        return Mage::helper('digitab_brandlogo');

Location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/controllers/Adminhtml






class Digitab_Brandlogo_Adminhtml_BrandlogoController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action 
    public function indexAction()

    public function gridAction()



location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/etc





<?xml version="1.0"?>
                    <digitab_brandlogo before="Mage_Adminhtml">Digitab_Brandlogo_Adminhtml</digitab_brandlogo>

location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/etc





<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <digitab translate="title" module="digitab_brandlogo">
                    <title>Brand Logo</title>

location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/Helper





class Digitab_Brandlogo_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract



location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/Model/Brandlogo.php


class Digitab_Brandlogo_Model_Brandlogo extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
    protected function _construct()


location: app/code/local/Digitab/Brandlogo/Model/Resource/Brandlogo.php



class Digitab_Brandlogo_Model_Resource_Brandlogo extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
    protected function _construct()





class Digitab_Brandlogo_Model_Resource_Brandlogo_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract
    protected function _construct()


location: app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout




<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="content">
            <block type="brandlogo/adminhtml_brandlogo" name="brandlogo" />


I am getting a blank white page when I am clicking on Brandlogo menu of Digitab.


Could anyone help me to display a grid??




Re: Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

Hi @foysal


If you enable error reporting then you will see following error 


Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Brandlogo_Helper_Data' not found in \app\Mage.php on line 520


You need following fixes :


1) config.xml (use Digitab_Brandlogo not digitab_brandlogo)



2)In Digitab_Brandlogo_Block_Adminhtml_Brandlogo file


Use following for helper


$this->_headerText = Mage::helper('digitab_brandlogo')->__('Brand Logo Manager');
$this->_addButtonLabel = Mage::helper('digitab_brandlogo')->__('Add Brand');

As you have used following in config.xml


<digitab_brandlogo> <!- This node name should be used for helper -->



Problem Solved Click Accept as Solution!:Magento Community India Forum

Re: Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

Thanks @Mukesh Tiwari for your valuable reply.  I enabled error reporting using below code in index.php.


ini_set('display_errors', 1);


But I could not see any error.

I implemented your solution but the issue is not solved, it is as like previous, I am seeing blank page with menus of Admin Panel. May be the Grid is not loading, what is I am trying to do.

I found below error in exception.log file.

exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'Invalid block type: Digitab_Brandlogo_Block_Brandlogo' in /home3/theaid/public_html/demo/app/Mage.php:595

Could you help me in this regard ??



Re: Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

Hi @foysal


In your BrandlogoController.php file use following.



instead of

Problem Solved Click Accept as Solution!:Magento Community India Forum

Re: Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

Hi @foysal


In your BrandlogoController.php file use following.



instead of

Problem Solved Click Accept as Solution!:Magento Community India Forum

Re: Display Grid in Admin Module of Magento

Thanks @Mukesh Tiwari for your reply. I modified my code as per your instruction, but it is not working. The result is as like previous. Thanks.