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Frontend user login looping back to the same login page.

Frontend user login looping back to the same login page.

I can create a user account but it doesn't save my password for me to log back in a second time.  I've tried added the password to the account in phpmyadmin but that doesn't work either. Does anyone have a solution to this issue?


Re: Frontend user login looping back to the same login page.

Hello @navertise 


Which Magento version you are using? Have you installed any login related extension recently like social login?

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Re: Frontend user login looping back to the same login page.

I havn't installed any login related extensions, and I'm running ver

Re: Frontend user login looping back to the same login page.

Are you installing magento in localhost? If yes, I think you meet the problem with cookie domain. Try to install it on a domain in hosting to see if it still happen.