Using an Authorized.Net Emulator which is verifying addresses but NOT the CVV2 (# on the back of the card). eProcessing Network simply tells me to edit the code. I'm a beginner at all this PHP stuff!?!?!? So I need your help...I'm trying to locate the x_type and "no transaction" in the php code and delete the x_type and/or x_transtype and set "no transaction" to ON. I made the php change in the authorizenet.php file and it still is allowing INVALID CCV2 credit cards to be processed. So I called again..... Eprocessing Network techs said in Magento there is an x_type, x_transtype, and possibly a "no transaction type" option which needs to be turned ON. Kinda the same story.... One question... WHERE IS THE PHP CODE LOCATED that controls Authorize.Net payments(NOT Direct Post)?????
A big THANK YOU in advanced...
The code for is In app/code/core/Mage/Authorizenet.
So I need to remove the line of code- (X_TYPE) (AUTH_CAPTURE) ********Remove*****
My question is where is this being generated from in the code. I need to delete the x_type AKA transaction type
21:41:23 ENV Of Interest:
21:41:23 IP :
21:41:23 CONTENT_TYPE :application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
21:41:23 CONTENT_LENGTH :876:
21:41:23 HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE :application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
21:41:23 X_LOGIN :041211112:
21:41:23 Before Processing
21:41:23 (X_VERSION) (3.1)
21:41:23 (X_DELIM_DATA) (True)
21:41:23 (X_RELAY_RESPONSE) (False)
21:41:23 (X_LOGIN) (041211112)
21:41:23 (X_TRAN_KEY)
21:41:23 (X_TYPE) (AUTH_CAPTURE) ********Remove*****
21:41:23 (X_METHOD) (CC)
21:41:23 (X_INVOICE_NUM) (100000044)
21:41:23 (X_AMOUNT) (12.8)
21:41:23 (X_CURRENCY_CODE) (USD)
21:41:23 (X_ALLOW_PARTIAL_AUTH) (False)
21:41:23 (X_FIRST_NAME) (J)
21:41:23 (X_LAST_NAME) (Mc)
21:41:23 (X_COMPANY) ()
21:41:23 (X_ADDRESS) (1240 FM 1696 RD W)
21:41:23 (X_CITY) (Huntsville)
21:41:23 (X_STATE) (Texas)
21:41:23 (X_ZIP) (77320)
21:41:23 (X_COUNTRY) (US)
21:41:23 (X_PHONE) (2035262222)
21:41:23 (X_FAX) ()
21:41:23 (X_CUST_ID) ()
21:41:23 (X_CUSTOMER_IP)
21:41:23 (X_CUSTOMER_TAX_ID) ()
21:41:23 (X_EMAIL) (
21:41:23 (X_EMAIL_CUSTOMER) (1)
21:41:23 (X_MERCHANT_EMAIL) (
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_FIRST_NAME) (J)
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_LAST_NAME) (Mc)
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_COMPANY) ()
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_ADDRESS) (1240 FM 1696 RD W)
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_CITY) (Huntsville)
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_STATE) (Texas)
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_ZIP) (77320)
21:41:23 (X_SHIP_TO_COUNTRY) (US)
21:41:23 (X_PO_NUM) ()
21:41:23 (X_TAX) (0)
21:41:23 (X_FREIGHT) (11.69)
21:41:23 (X_CARD_NUM) (***NotShown***)
21:41:23 (X_EXP_DATE) (05-2015)
21:41:23 (X_CARD_CODE) (***LEN (3) DIGITS (3)***)
21:41:23 (X_DELIM_CHAR) ((~))
21:41:23 (X_COLOR_TEXT) (BLACK)
21:41:23 (X_COLOR_LINK) (BLUE)
21:41:23 After preprocessing
21:41:23 (X_VERSION) (3.1)
21:41:23 (X_DELIM_DATA) (True)
21:41:23 (X_RELAY_RESPONSE) (False)
21:41:23 (X_LOGIN)
21:41:23 (X_TRAN_KEY)
21:41:23 (X_TYPE) (AUTH_CAPTURE) ***** Remove this Line****
21:41:23 (X_METHOD) (CC)
21:41:23 (X_INVOICE_NUM) (100000044)
21:41:23 (X_AMOUNT) (12.8)
21:41:23 (X_CURRENCY_CODE) (USD)
21:41:23 (X_ALLOW_PARTIAL_AUTH) (False)
21:41:23 (X_FIRST_NAME) (J)
21:41:23 (X_LAST_NAME) (Mc)
21:41:23 (X_COMPANY) ()
21:41:23 (X_ADDRESS) (1240 FM 1696 RD W)
21:41:23 (X_CITY) (Huntsville)
21:41:23 (X_STATE) (Texas)
21:41:23 (X_ZIP) (77320)
21:41:23 (X_COUNTRY) (US)
21:41:23 (X_PHONE) (2035262222)
21:41:23 (X_FAX) ()
If you want to work with the AUTH Emulator you'll need to extend the class found in this file:
This is the actual code that makes the api connection you're looking for. If you need an example of the class being editing, you can see how I've done it here: