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How to add table rate CSV Import/Export feature to a Custom shipping method

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How to add table rate CSV Import/Export feature to a Custom shipping method

I need to create 8 different table rate shipping methods which each has some different custom fields . So I can not use WebShopApps MatrixRate extension as each shipping method should has different custom fields and here is the module so far I have developed . But the issue is I can not find a way to add CSV Import/Export feature to it can anyone help me ?


here is my current code 







<flatrate2 translate="label">
                    <label>Flat Rate 2</label>
                        <active translate="label">
                        <name translate="label">
                            <label>Method name</label>
                        <price translate="label">
                        <handling_type translate="label">
                            <label>Calculate Handling Fee</label>
                        <handling_fee translate="label">
                            <label>Handling Fee</label>
                        <sort_order translate="label">
                            <label>Sort order</label>
                        <title translate="label">
                        <type translate="label">
                        <sallowspecific translate="label">
                            <label>Ship to applicable countries</label>
                        <specificcountry translate="label">
                            <label>Ship to Specific countries</label>
                        <showmethod translate="label">
                            <label>Show method if not applicable</label>
                        <specificerrmsg translate="label">
                            <label>Displayed Error Message</label>
                        <infotext translate="label">
                            <label>Info Text (supports HTML)</label>




abstract class Muaw_CustomShippingMethods_Model_Carrier_Abstract extends Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Flatrate
    protected $_code = '';

    public function collectRates(Mage_Shipping_Model_Rate_Request $request)
        if (!$this->getConfigFlag('active'))
            return false;

        $freeBoxes = 0;
        if ($request->getAllItems())
            foreach ($request->getAllItems() as $item)

                if ($item->getProduct()->isVirtual() || $item->getParentItem())

                if ($item->getHasChildren() && $item->isShipSeparately())
                    foreach ($item->getChildren() as $child)
                        if ($child->getFreeShipping() && !$child->getProduct()->isVirtual())
                            $freeBoxes += $item->getQty() * $child->getQty();
                elseif ($item->getFreeShipping())
                    $freeBoxes += $item->getQty();

        $result = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result');
        if ($this->getConfigData('type') == 'O')
            $shippingPrice = $this->getConfigData('price');
        elseif ($this->getConfigData('type') == 'I')
            $shippingPrice = ($request->getPackageQty() * $this->getConfigData('price')) - ($this->getFreeBoxes() * $this->getConfigData('price'));
            $shippingPrice = false;

        $shippingPrice = $this->getFinalPriceWithHandlingFee($shippingPrice);

        if ($shippingPrice !== false)
            $method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method');



            if ($request->getFreeShipping() === true || $request->getPackageQty() == $this->getFreeBoxes())
                $shippingPrice = '0.00';



        return $result;

    public function getAllowedMethods()
        return array($this->_code=>$this->getConfigData('name'));




class NameSpace_CustomShippingMethods_Model_Carrier_Flatrate2 extends Muaw_CustomShippingMethods_Model_Carrier_Abstract
    protected $_code = 'flatrate2';


please help me to add CSV import/export feature 


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