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Implementation of Customer Own shipper account number on Checkout process

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Implementation of Customer Own shipper account number on Checkout process

How to use Customer Own shipper account number during checkout process.
I have added a Text Box for customer to enter own shipper account number on the Shipping method tab of Checkout page and this information is display on the Order view page in Admin panel.

But I want to change account shipper number, Can anybody help me about that?


Re: Implementation of Customer Own shipper account number on Checkout process

Hi @raghibkhesal,


First of all, can you tell me how you have saved that data right now into the system?

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Re: Implementation of Customer Own shipper account number on Checkout process

On the Checkout Process, if user select any ups or fedex then a textbox appear "Own Shipper Account number".

Requirement are if user enter own shipper account number then this shipping account number must be select on placing order.