I want to link an attribute to its product which means link catalog_product_entity to eav_attribute_option_value This is my essay :
SELECT DISTINCT catalog_product_entity_text.value AS nom_du_produit, sales_flat_order.created_at AS date_de_commande, sales_flat_order.grand_total AS prix_avant_remise, sales_flat_order.subtotal AS prix_apres_remise, sales_flat_order_address.firstname AS prenom, sales_flat_order_address.lastname As nom, sales_flat_order_address.telephone AS telephone, sales_flat_order_address.country_id AS pays FROM catalog_product_entity cpe, sales_flat_order, sales_flat_order_address, eav_attribute, eav_attribute_option_value, catalog_product_entity_text LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order AS sales ON (sales.entity_id = catalog_product_entity_text.entity_id) LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_address AS address ON (address.entity_id = catalog_product_entity_text.entity_id) LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity as sku on (sku.entity_id = sales.entity_id) where sales_flat_order.coupon_code like 'xxxxx' and cpe.sku = '00-000-00' and eav_attribute_option_value.value='Sony';
Thanks in advance
Hello @ahmed_chouihi
To solve your issue, you need to link the below three tables:
Hope it helps.
Please please how your answer gonna help me?!