Here is my custom feedback form,
How can i add into Magento and it should display all pages.
@Aveeva you can create a new cms page and link it with the url which you want to give and place the link in the footer of the website.
Then just create a module with controller and make a controller using your feba.php
@Rahul Gupta How to manage my PHP script in CMS?
@Rahul Gupta Where i can edit my html & css & js files?
@Aveeva you can create a template and paste your html code in that file and call it from cms page like below.
{{block class="Magento\Bannerslider\Block\Slideshow" template="Magento_Bannerslider::bannerslider.phtml"}}
@Rahul Gupta Shall i put my all files css,js,php,html in bannerslider.phtml
@Aveeva no
you can create one module and if you are using any inline css then you can use that in your phtml file otherwise you have to add your css and js in your web folder of module.
Refer the below link.
Hello @Aveeva
If you are looking for free github extension for same in case
@theMageComp How to display feedback from on website front page like onclick popup bottom tab?
@Aveeva can you please explain more about what do you exactly wanted?