I have added edit link to all the address in shipping step. I am able to update, and the changes are saved in the database but the changes are reflected in the front-end only when the page is reloaded. How to update the address list so that the changes are reflected in the front-end as soon as the update button is clicked .
updateAddress: function () { var addressData, newShippingAddress, addressId, this.source.set('params.invalid', false); this.triggerShippingDataValidateEvent(); if (!this.source.get('params.invalid')) { addressData = this.source.get('shippingAddress'); addressId=$('input[name=shippingAddressId]').val(); if(addressId){ var Data = {"addressData": addressData, "addressId": addressId}; fullScreenLoader.startLoader(); storage.post( 'checkout/address/update', JSON.stringify(Data), true ).done( function (response) { console.log(response); console.log("updated"); fullScreenLoader.stopLoader(); } ).fail( function (response) { console.log("failure"); console.log(response); fullScreenLoader.stopLoader(); } ); this.isFormVisible(false); } } },
Any any knows?
Now I get it
Refer this file you get some idea.
Ya , found the solution.
can you please update solution here.