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Magento SOAP Api set customer for shoping cart fault 1045

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Magento SOAP Api set customer for shoping cart fault 1045

Hello all, 


I'm developing and IOS application and using SOAP API to allow the guest to add products to their cart. So far, I'm able to create a cart, add some products to it, but I'm facing an issue when I try to set the address for guest user Smiley Sad. Then, I tried to create a customer and when I called shoppingCartCustomerSet(SOAP V2 MagentoV1 method) to set the customer for the shopping cart, I did receive this error: 


Code=1045 "Customer's mode is unknown" 


The array for  customerData ={ @"1", @"website_id",@"test",@"firstname",@"test",@"lastname",@"",@"email",@"test",@"password",@"5",@"customer_id",@"1",@"group_id",@"guest",@"mode"}


I tried to set mode as guest and as customer, but in both cases I did receive the same error. 

This is the documentation link: .

Hope someone could help with this issue. Also, is there an IOS SDK that I can use.