Hello all,
I'm developing and IOS application and using SOAP API to allow the guest to add products to their cart. So far, I'm able to create a cart, add some products to it, but I'm facing an issue when I try to set the address for guest user
. Then, I tried to create a customer and when I called shoppingCartCustomerSet(SOAP V2 MagentoV1 method) to set the customer for the shopping cart, I did receive this error:
Code=1045 "Customer's mode is unknown"
The array for customerData ={ @"1", @"website_id",@"test",@"firstname",@"test",@"lastname",@"test@test.com",@"email",@"test",@"password",@"5",@"customer_id",@"1",@"group_id",@"guest",@"mode"}
I tried to set mode as guest and as customer, but in both cases I did receive the same error.
This is the documentation link: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/m1x/api/soap/checkout/cartCustomer/cart_customer.set.html .
Hope someone could help with this issue. Also, is there an IOS SDK that I can use.