I am having a strange problem with order invoices regarding bundle products.
I have an order with only one bundle product which consists of virtual products. The order view information page is showing all the correct product information for the bundle product and it's associated virtual products in the Items Ordered table.
But when I open Invoices page and click the open the invoice view, it does not show anything on the Items Invoiced table.
Also none of the products are printed on the Invoice PDF either. The Invoice Totals table is showing subtotals and tax information correctly.
I have also checked from the database that the ordered items are found in sales_flat_invoice_item table and they are been assigned to the correct order id.
What could be causing this to happen, and how to solve the problem?
Hi @killeri86,
Can you check your Magento or webserevr error logs? Maybe that block is having an error 500 and the contest isn't rendered.
Hi Damian,
I have also checked my Magento and webserver logs, and they show no errors. My Magento version is by the way. Is there anything else I could try?
Also as a side note, this problem only applies to orders with bundle products. Orders without bundle products, for example with only grouped and virtual products, are rendered on the invoice Items Invoiced table and invoice PDF.
Hi @killeri86,
My only idea is that one module/cutomization over bundles is having issues and you're getting an error 500 (that's why the block isn't rendered).
But without access to the code I can't say more (normally logs are the best starting point). Error 500 should be located on the webserver error log.
Did you see if there is some file on /path/to/your/magento/var/report ?
Yes, I have checked all the webserver logs including error log and there are no errors for this. I have also checked /path/to/your/magento/var/report folder and there have not been any files/errors generated for this either. So I have know clue where to debug this, as there is no errors generated...
By the way, is there any way to add Print functionality to the Order page? The bundle order information show correctly there, so if possible, that would be a workaround to print the information from there.
Maybe you can improve the print.css styles to allow you to get the right presentation?
What do you mean / how can I improve print.css styles to allow me to get the right presentation?
Magento's backend has the file skin/adminhtml/default/default/print.css, used to define styles for print. (If you aren't fimiliar with media types you can check here)
So maybe a silly customization to get the right printed versions is to set print styles to the page/section you said looks good.
I was answering this part of the question: "By the way, is there any way to add Print functionality to the Order page? The bundle order information show correctly there, so if possible, that would be a workaround to print the information from there."
Hi, I actually have the same issue and what I discovered is that Magento when there is a bundle it create the SKU on the order combining together all SKU of the bundle, for example: XXX-YYY-CCC. The problem is my inventory management platform recosgnise orders only with the registered SKU, so it can't recosgnise combined SKU's.
So my question is: is there a way to have on Magento orders, the list of each SKU of the bundle instead of combine them all together?
Thanks in advance
I am having the same issue give me a solid solution..
Thanks in advance..