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Onepage Checkout SaveBilling observer - Customer email is required

Onepage Checkout SaveBilling observer - Customer email is required

I'm trying to create an observer after the customer saves his billing address (onepage checkout). What the observer does is validate if a giftcard matches the customer email address (external service). Everything works fine, but order won't process at the end. I always get the erro "Customer email is required".


Anyone can help? Here's a quick view of my code:




the actual observer (simplify version)

public function afterBillingMethod($observer){

    // Get quote
    $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
    $quote = $session->getQuote();
    $coupon_code = $quote->getCouponCode();

    // Get customer billing email address
    $post= Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost();
    $email= $post['billing']['email'];
        if($coupon['email'] != $email)
          $rule = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule')->load($coupon['rule_id']);

    return $this;

Re: Onepage Checkout SaveBilling observer - Customer email is required



First of all check if all the inforamtion are being receiving in observer by debugging your code with Try and Catch.

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