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Parse error

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Parse error

I'm getting the following error in my webshop when I click 'Orders':


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/www/ on line 1


The file looks like this:


<?phpclass Quickpay_Payment_Model_Sales_Order_Grid_Fraudprobability extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column_Renderer_Abstract{  public function render(Varien_Object $row)  {    $url = Mage::helper("adminhtml")      ->getUrl(“quickpaypayment/order/“, array("id" => $row->getId()));    $image = Mage::helper('quickpaypayment')->getImage($row->getId());    $content = $this      ->getLayout()      ->createBlock('core/template')      ->setTemplate('quickpaypayment/grid/fraudprobability.phtml')      ->setInfoUrl($url)      ->setImage($image)      ->toHtml();    return $content;  }}


Anyone who can figure this out?


Regards Michael


Re: Parse error

Perhaps you should use "Insert Code" feature when posting source code. This error is clearly a PHP syntax error, but it's very hard to determine what's going on when line breaks and stuff is gone.

Tanel Raja

Re: Parse error

class Quickpay_Payment_Model_Sales_Order_Grid_Fraudprobability extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column_Renderer_Abstract
  public function render(Varien_Object $row)
    $url = Mage::helper("adminhtml")
      ->getUrl("quickpaypayment/order/", array("id" => $row->getId()));
    $image = Mage::helper('quickpaypayment')->getImage($row->getId());
    $content = $this
    return $content;

This is how the code looks in it's right form.