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PayPal gateway has rejected request. ReturnURL is invalid (#10471:CancelURL is invalid (#10472:

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PayPal gateway has rejected request. ReturnURL is invalid (#10471:CancelURL is invalid (#10472:

I am using magento 1.9 and using rwd theme. paypal integration is not working. i tried with both paypal express and payment advance. sandbox and live both also i tried but same error. it gives an error "PayPal gateway has rejected request. ReturnURL is invalid (#10471: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details). CancelURL is invalid (#10472: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details)."

here is my site.


Re: PayPal gateway has rejected request. ReturnURL is invalid (#10471:CancelURL is invalid (#10472:

Please check your configuration. This error is fired if the configuration is not setup correct. Also check your API.

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