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REST API issue: created a product success but returned header 404

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REST API issue: created a product success but returned header 404

Hi there


I wrote a test script of creating a new product into Magento by REST API, I referenced the official website:  


The core code is:

       $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
       $oauthClient->fetch('http://remote.../api/rest/products', json_encode($arr), OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_POST, $headers) ;


The program created a new product in Magento successfully but returned a 404 error. I checked the Exception message and found the script tried to read the product created:


+debugInfo: array:6 [
      "sbs" => "POST&http%3A%2F%2Fbnzl.magento%2Fapi%2Frest%2Fproducts%2F33&oauth_consumer_key%3D5615fe6e7db7665571d51c9818757105%26oauth_nonce%3D1619355d2b0b6f08e40.07852739%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1439871158%26oauth_token%3D78f612cb71c504b2154001b61e964caa%26oauth_version%3D1.0"
      "headers_sent" => """
        POST /api/rest/products/33 HTTP/1.1


I know the error caused by reading a product should use "POST" not "GET", but I don't know why the script executes reading the product after being created. Any hero could help me?


Re: REST API issue: created a product success but returned header 404

Hi, there


I found the reason of this error. After creating a new product with REST API, my program(Callback script) returns a redirect request: "HTTP Header CODE 302,  Location: .../api/rest/customers/:id", but the function "$oauthClient->fetch()" in the program can not execute this request correctly, it seems that it would try to retrieve the target with "POST" not "GET", so it can't get data.


I don't know what reason it is caused, I only could disable redirect in oauth ", analyze and get the new product id  from dreceived header as  a temporary solution.



Hope it's useful for encountering same problem with me, if anybody who knows the reason please share with us, thank you very much.