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Retrieving product additional attributes from magento 1.9 to visual basic

Retrieving product additional attributes from magento 1.9 to visual basic

I am working on a simple VB programme which experience some magento's API function. I tried to get the product attributes set throught magento SOAP v2 API with the following codes: 


        Dim attributeset As New MagentoService.catalogProductRequestAttributes()
        Dim currentset As MagentoService.catalogAttributeEntity() = GlobalModule.mage.catalogProductAttributeList(SessionID, 9)

I have my magento API works fine on some other functions and I just cannot solve the error on CatalogProductAttributeList which give an error at the second line: 

Cannot redeclare Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Attribute_Api::create()

I even don't know where was the error located. It would be highly appreciated if anyone point me to the right direction, thanks