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Save and Save and Continiue buttons don't work

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Save and Save and Continiue buttons don't work

Hi Everybody!


I got a weird issue with my backend catalog configus.


When i hit the save or save and continue, either I'm addiong a new or editing a product nothing happens.


The  weirdest thing is that no errors are being shown, so I don't even know from where should I start Smiley Sad


Ps: I have only edited 1atribute in front end (Changed the complete name for the first name in hello.phtml).


What can it be?


Ps²: I think a way to start is to use the Magento Repair tool, does it sounds like a good idea?




Re: Save and Save and Continiue buttons don't work



When you click the button, check the console if there is any error recorded there. And also check the system.log and exception.log if those file has recorded any error? If yes then try to solve that error.
If you do not get the error fixed in above steps, then try disabling custom extensions one by one and check if your problem is solved or not? Becasue many time custom extensions creates conflicts.

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