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Search configurable product by a child SKU

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Search configurable product by a child SKU

Hi to all, I need to search for a configurable product by a child SKU (without make visible on search each simple product)... How it's possibile? Any idea?


Thanks a lot!



Re: Search configurable product by a child SKU



First of all, search the Child Products By Sku and from that list you find the configurable product of that child Product.

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Re: Search configurable product by a child SKU


$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/products')
->addAttributeToFilter('sku', YOUR_SIMPLE_SKU);

then join $products with catalog_product_link, catalog_product_link_type to find the parent products

Re: Search configurable product by a child SKU

if you are talking about the search box in front page, then you will have to rewrite fulltext indexer engine.