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Split shipping address in grid orders

Split shipping address in grid orders

In file app / code / local / Mage / Adminhtml / Block / Sales / Order / Grid.php (copy of the original Grid.php) I have added the following code in protected function _prepareCollection ()

$ Table1 = Mage :: getSingleton ('core / resource')
-> getTableName ('sales_flat_order_address');
$ Shipping = "(select max (t.street) from` $ table1` as t where t.parent_id = main_table.entity_id AND address_type = 'shipping') ";
$ Collection-> getSelect () -> from ('', '$ shipping as shipping_city');

This serves to pick up the shipping address to add the following code as a column in the grid afterwards

$ This-> addColumn ('shipping_city', array (
'Header' => Mage :: helper ('sales') -> __ ('Shipping address'),
'Index' => 'shipping_city',
'Filter_index' => ''

The problem is now that the full address is included here. So also the 2nd and 3rd address line that customers can enter.
Magento adds these address lines into 1 field in the database

How can I get these different address lines to display in a different column in the grid?
I've read that the different lines in the database are divided by / n, but how can I check this and show the correct address fields in the columns?

thank you in advance