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Unable to read magento customers using rest api from node js

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Unable to read magento customers using rest api from node js

Hi Friends,

I am new to magento and nodeJS. I am here to request help from you.


I followed this to configure role.


Framework : Strong Loop

My Requirement : User will feed email and name in mobile app, using nodeJS i have to POST/PUT user given details into magento.

Doubt: Is it possible to create new customers using rest webservice(admin role)?


Node JS code:


var OAuth = require('oauth').OAuth;

var apiUrl = "http://domain/magento/api/rest/customers"


var oa = new OAuth(temporaryCredentialsRequestUrl, accessTokenRequestUrl, consumerKey, consumerSecret, 1.0, "http://localhost:3000/explorer", "HMAC-SHA1");

oa.getOAuthRequestToken(function(error, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, results){
if(error) {
else {
oa.get(apiUrl, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret,
function (error, data, response) {

var feed = JSON.parse(data);



Using this program i am able to generate Access Token and Access Token Secret.


But unable to read customers althought getting below error.



If my approach is wrong, please guide me how to.


Thanks in advance