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add routers page products list

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add routers page products list

Hello, I create a router from a module. So put a page from frontend.





class Module_Searchpage_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function indexAction()
        //Get current layout state
        $block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
            array('template' => 'catalog/product/listpage.phtml')

there is working, show the list products, but not working the left leyered navegation ajax.

The leyered navegation ajax is woking from catalog_category and catalo_catalogsearch

I create a controller :


require_once 'Mage/Catalog/controllers/ProductController.php';

class Module_Layerednavigationajax_ProductController extends Mage_Catalog_ProductController {

But, I don't have a idea, how can add the filter from page.


Re: add routers page products list

Hi @elizondo82,


It won't so so easy because there are another blocks that needs some specific type of data.

Can you share the layout definition for that controller/url?

Re: add routers page products list

@Damian Culotta, I put the catalogsearch, there I put a filter where can change option id.
But, thanks fro you help