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problem with server error logs file not found

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problem with server error logs file not found



i do have problems with some files that can not be found. my server error logs writes following:

[Wed Apr 22 07:45:19 2015] [error] [] File does not exist: /xxx/skin/adminhtml/base, referer: xxx/index.php/admin/sales_order/view/order_id/0001/
[Wed Apr 22 07:46:57 2015] [error] [client xxxxxx] client denied by server configuration: xxx/app/etc/local.xml
[Wed Apr 22 07:46:58 2015] [error] [client xxxxx] File does not exist: /xxx/skin/adminhtml/base, referer: xxxx/index.php/admin/sales_order/


normaly adminhtml/base is not a direcotory of magento (it is an old installtion using magento ce so how can i find out, which files is missing - because error report does not say which one it is?


and somenthing strange for me is also that local.xml is denied by server configuration. rights for this file are 0644? shop is running correctly - but error logs are full.


second problem is system.log:

2015-04-22T06:36:25+00:00 ERR (3): Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Core_Model_Store_Group::setWebsite() must be an instance of Mage_Core_Model_Website, null given, called in /xxx/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php on line 617 and defined  in /xxx/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Store/Group.php on line 227


i found some possible solutions like - but all entries in database are correct. any idea?


thanks for help!




Re: problem with server error logs file not found

2 problems could be solved:

[Wed Apr 22 07:45:19 2015] [error] [] File does not exist: /xxx/skin/adminhtml/base, referer: xxx/index.php/admin/sales_order/view/order_id/0001/: a simple css file was missing


[Wed Apr 22 07:46:57 2015] [error] [client xxxxxx] client denied by server configuration: xxx/app/etc/local.xml  solution found at


only problem 2015-04-22T06:36:25+00:00 ERR (3): Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Core_Model_Store_Group::setWebsite() must be an instance of Mage_Core_Model_Website, null given, called in /xxx/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php on line 617 and defined  in /xxx/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Store/Group.php on line 227 is left.


hope you can help! many thanks in advance!



Re: problem with server error logs file not found

Hi martin,


If you can share more details about your Magento log, I may find a way to help you out.

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