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update products by attribute value

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update products by attribute value



I am writing a cron job to update products, I cannot use SKU as that is magento only. For every product in magento I have an attribute 'auto_cool_number' I need to update it by that value (which is varchar).


I found this script on magepsycho which is awesome, it works great and updates my price and qty based on SKU, how can I modify the query to inner jOIN attribute values and update all products which share that attribute value.




function _updateStocks($data){
    $connection     = _getConnection('core_write');
    $sku            = $data[0];
    $newQty         = $data[1];
    $productId      = _getIdFromSku($sku);
    $attributeId    = _getAttributeId();
    $sql            = "UPDATE " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item') . " csi,
                       " . _getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_status') . " css
                       csi.qty = ?,
                       csi.is_in_stock = ?,
                       css.qty = ?,
                       css.stock_status = ?
                       csi.product_id = ?
                       AND csi.product_id = css.product_id";
    $isInStock      = $newQty > 0 ? 1 : 0;
    $stockStatus    = $newQty > 0 ? 1 : 0;
    $connection->query($sql, array($newQty, $isInStock, $newQty, $stockStatus, $productId));

function _updatePrices($data){
    $connection     = _getConnection('core_write');
    $sku            = $data[0];
    $newPrice       = $data[2];
    $productId      = _getIdFromSku($sku);
    $attributeId    = _getAttributeId();
    $sql = "UPDATE " . _getTableName('catalog_product_entity_decimal') . " cped
                SET  cped.value = ?
            WHERE  cped.attribute_id = ?
            AND cped.entity_id = ?";
    $connection->query($sql, array($newPrice, $attributeId, $productId));