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Forgot Password "Passwords don't match" Even Though they Do ce1.9.2.2

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Forgot Password "Passwords don't match" Even Though they Do ce1.9.2.2

After applying all patches, forgot password is not working anymore, I keep getting "Please make sure your passwords match" even though they do.


Any advice on this issue?




Re: Forgot Password "Passwords don't match" Even Though they Do ce1.9.2.2

For SUPEE-6788, this is what we manually patch afterwards for any custom files as noted below:


1. We edited the following custom register.phtml customer registration template files to add the hidden "form_key" that is now needed:
<input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey() ?>" />

2. We edited the following customer.xml files to alter the resetpassword function:
-    <customer_account_resetpassword translate="label">
+    <customer_account_changeforgotten translate="label">
-            <block type="customer/account_resetpassword" name="resetPassword" template="customer/form/resetforgottenpassword.phtml"/>
+            <block type="customer/account_changeforgotten" name="changeForgottenPassword" template="customer/form/resetforgottenpassword.phtml"/>
-  </customer_account_resetpassword>
+    </customer_account_changeforgotten>

3. We edited the following forgottenpassword.phtml file to adjust to the new format:
The form call was changed to:
<form action="<?php echo $this->getUrl('*/*/resetpasswordpost'); ?>" method="post" id="form-validate">


You probably have some custom files that need to be updated. You can find them with the commands:

find -name register.phtml|grep -v design/frontend/base/default/template/customer/form/register.phtml|grep -v design/frontend/base/default/template/persistent/customer/form/register.phtml|grep -v design/frontend/rwd/default/template/persistent/customer/form/register.phtml

find -name customer.xml|xargs grep 'account_resetpassword'|grep -v 'design/frontend/base/default'|grep -v 'design/frontend/default/iphone'|grep -v 'design/frontend/default/modern'|grep -v 'design/frontend/rwd/default/layout'

find -name resetforgottenpassword.phtml|grep -v 'design/frontend/base/default/template/customer/form/resetforgottenpassword.phtml'|grep -v 'design/frontend/rwd/default/template/customer/form/resetforgottenpassword.phtml'|grep -v adminhtml


Re: Forgot Password "Passwords don't match" Even Though they Do ce1.9.2.2

Thanks for your reply


Turns out the Registration / Login popup module had a field with name="password" had to change that then it woked