Our website has been hacked and we can't access the Magento admin platform. I've contacted support, but was told "you are using the Community Edition of Magento, we do not offer support"... Can anyone suggest anything? Would appreciate your assistance.
Hi @mosheshalchon,
Do you have access to the server/database? You could follow the below steps to update the password manually:
Magento 1.9 and older versions
To reset the administrator password directly in Magento 1.9 and older versions, follow these steps:
UPDATE admin_user SET password = CONCAT(MD5('xxNewPassword'), ':xx') WHERE username = 'admin';
UPDATE mg_admin_user SET password = CONCAT(MD5('xxNewPassword'), ':xx') WHERE username = 'admin';
Taken from: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/installable-applications/optimization-and-configuration/magento1/resett...
Thanks Rebecca, a hostgator rep was able to change the password and actually log into our admin. The weird part is we're unable to log in (5 different people from different computers tried), we keep being redirected to the home page. Any thoughts?
Hi @mosheshalchon,
It might be worth checking your local.xml to see if your admin url has been changed.
In app/etc/local.xml look for this:
<adminhtml> <args> <frontName><![CDATA[admin]]></frontName> </args> </adminhtml>
You may find [admin] has been changed to something else.
Also in your database check the core_config_data table for what is in the secure & unsecure base_url fields
scan all your files and database
If you are not able to login to your admin panel, please consider reviewing the following values on the core_config_data table:
After that, clear the cache and session folders on your Magento installation and try again.