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PATCH_SUPEE-5994_CE not working on CE

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PATCH_SUPEE-5994_CE not working on CE

running 5994 patch against with (APPSEC-212, SUPEE-1533, & SUPEE-5344 applied successfully).

I am getting this error.

It looks to me like the patch has succeeded where it needs to and skipped where not required.

**QUESTION** Is this true.

Could someone interpret this output and advise if patch has succeeded or if I have to back it out and do a load of faffing ?

(PS I have renamed the patch with a prefix "4-" so I can keep track of them so please ignore the prefix)




Checking if patch can be applied/reverted successfully...

ERROR: Patch can't be applied/reverted successfully.


checking file app/code/core/Mage/Authorizenet/controllers/Directpost/PaymentController.php

checking file app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Router/Admin.php

checking file app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Router/Standard.php

checking file app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Customer.php

Hunk #1 succeeded at 259 (offset -14 lines).

checking file app/code/core/Mage/Dataflow/Model/Convert/Parser/Csv.php

checking file app/code/core/Mage/ImportExport/Model/Export/Adapter/Csv.php

The next patch would create the file app/code/core/Mage/Install/Controller/Router/Install.php,

which already exists!  Assume -R? [n] 

Apply anyway? [n] 

Skipping patch.

1 out of 1 hunk ignored

checking file app/code/core/Mage/Install/etc/config.xml

checking file app/code/core/Mage/Sales/controllers/Recurring/ProfileController.php

checking file downloader/Maged/Model/Connect.php

checking file downloader/Maged/View.php

Hunk #1 succeeded at 152 with fuzz 2 (offset -10 lines).

checking file downloader/template/connect/packages_prepare.phtml

checking file downloader/template/messages.phtml

checking file get.php

checking file lib/PEAR/PEAR/PEAR.php

The next patch would create the file lib/PEAR/PEAR/PEAR5.php,

which already exists!  Assume -R? [n] 

Apply anyway? [n] 

Skipping patch.

1 out of 1 hunk ignored

checking file lib/Varien/Io/File.php


Many thanks in advance for your kind assistance.