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installation instructions Security Patch

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installation instructions Security Patch

A) installation instructions  Security Patch 
What should I do once I got a message Messages Inbox New Security Patch 

I downloaded and what then, is there any different instructions to any Patch


B) And after the installation of Patch the  message in the Messages Inbox 

Becomes green or something else happens.



C) And if I upgraded to version installed it should not have to solve these updates itself


Re: installation instructions Security Patch

Hi @oren


A) If you are a technical user then you should download the security patch for your Magento version and apply it.
Otherwise you should take help from a developer.


B) These messages are to inform you about latest news, features and release by magento.
So there will not be any change in color.


C) If you upgrade to latest version you will get all the patches with it.


Please visit following url How to Apply and Revert Magento Patches

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Re: installation instructions Security Patch


A) If you are a technical user then you should download the security patch for your Magento version and apply it.
Otherwise you should take help from a developer.


apply it. , HOW? 


I'm sure that anyone with knowledge to instructions.

I have some knowledge, but I need to know what it is



Or you do  it manually installing as an upgrade do it 


Re: installation instructions Security Patch

Hi @oren


Please refer this official link for detailed instructions Installing Magento Patches.


Basically there are 3 methods to install a Magento patch.

1) Using SSH

2) By running a script.

3) By uploading  pre-patched files.


I personally use SSH method. Second method may not work for you if your hosting provider has blocked some php commands from running like 

  • exec
  • passthru
  • shell_exec
  • system,
  • proc_open
  • popen
  • curl_exec
  • curl_multi_exec
  • parse_ini_file
  • show_source

I am explaining SSH method to install the patch.


1) First download the patch file applicable to your magento version

2) Disable the compilation if enabled.

3) Open the patch file and just go through the file changes (Not mandatory, I personally do it.)

4) If you have files overridden in your app/code/local/Mage then check if that file is being patched in code module by the patch (Step 3 helps in this)

5) Place the patch file in the Magento root

6) Now login to your Magento  using SSH and got to your magento installation directory.

7) Run the following command   sh   command.

example:  sh



You should see a message Patch was applied/reverted successfully.


Feel free to reply if you seek help.

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