In Magento Store Product prices Currency symbol AED Display for English store. But not displaying in Arabic Store.
Please give my solutiion
Not 100% sure whats going wrong here but following fixed it for me:
<numbers> <decimalFormats> <decimalFormatLength> <decimalFormat> <pattern>#0.###;#0.###-</pattern> </decimalFormat> </decimalFormatLength> </decimalFormats> <currencyFormats> <currencyFormatLength> <currencyFormat> <pattern>¤#0.00</pattern> </currencyFormat> </currencyFormatLength> </currencyFormats> </numbers>
Thank you for your reply.
But still not showing currency symbol. is there any another way..?
Copy the currency and numbers block from en.xml and paste it into the ar_SA.xml
it will work.
Since the US$ is given in the XML file and the other currency is taken from the admin panel, you are getting the error. You need to make the following changes in the ar.xml and the ar_SA.xml file. This changes fixed my issue.
lib/Zend/Locale/Data/ar.xml file
You need to replace the <symbol>US$</symbol> with the <symbol>SAR</symbol>
and remove the following code from the lib/Zend/Locale/Data/ar_SA.xml file.
<numbers> <currencyFormats numberSystem="latn"> <currencyFormatLength> <currencyFormat type="standard"> <pattern>¤#0.00</pattern> </currencyFormat> </currencyFormatLength> </currencyFormats> </numbers>
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